Thursday, January 26, 2012

i've been feeling really beat down lately. everything and every interaction, whether in class or with friends, that has happened in the past week has been putting everything that i believe and stand for down, and as a result of that i've just felt really...attacked? i'm not sure of the correct word.

tuesday nights my roommates have night class and i really just get to spend some quality time with myself. most tuesdays are spent attempting to teach myself how to play the guitar, however tonight was spent trying to find new music for my ipod that decided to revive itself miraculously today.

isn't it weird that the song that you need to hear comes on right when you need to hear it?!

all i know is i'm home yet

thank you for that reminder tonight, Lord.
it's supposed to be hard, but i'm not supposed to have it all together.
because You do.


Friday, January 13, 2012


well thank you michelle for bringing it out into the open that i have a blog but never have actually used it...just for that, here's my first post!

i can define certain periods of my life a single word of what the Lord was teaching me at that point. this summer, it was relentless. His relentless pursuing of us, His creation; and in turn our need to be relentless making His gospel known. this past semester, it was remain. john 15:5-11 taught me about the constanticity (yeah, that's a word) that my walk needs more of. my life word has been fearless, (ephesians 6:18-19 NIV& joshua 1:9) and that's what i have tattooed on my wrist.

this break, it's been be. the Lord really taught me the significance of this word while we were in mexico over break. going into the trip i thought i knew exactly what to expect. i've been there, i've done this before. so funny story: it didn't. i just kind of let it go until a moment while we were celebrating the finished house on the last day, when i realized that that was all it took. to let each day unfold as it comes. be still and know that i am God. to stop worrying about every little detail, or what i "should" be doing, or how certain things will look to other people. to just follow the Lord where He is leading in every single moment, and to make each of them count.

Jesus' first words to simon and andrew were "come, follow me." (mark 1:17)
so let's do just that. seek reckless abandon to the One who gave it all.
